
How to customize Comment Form Message


The image below is the comment form, and we want to put some notes there to convince people to comment on our post or showing our gratitude for the comments they gave us. In this post, I will give a small guide on how to add the notes.
"Your comments are highly appreciated" 

1. First, go to Setting of your blog.
2.Click Posts, comments, and sharing.
3. Scroll down until you saw Comment Form Message.
4. Fill in the blank with your own words and save.

Goodluck :) 

How to add navigation menu to your blog - Style 1

The first style is the simplest form of your linked menu. Suitable for those who wants a simple and minimal look on their blog. You can use this menu to direct your readers to another page such as you About Me page, or any other pages. You can also put your social medias link using this navigation menu.

Home About Tutorial Blogkins

To have this menu on your blog, simply copy the codes given and paste them into your HTML/Gadget or anywhere you wanted it to be.
background: #c6deff;
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE" class="menu-link">WORD</a>
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE" class="menu-link">WORD</a>
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE" class="menu-link">WORD</a>
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE" class="menu-link">WORD</a>

You can customize the background. text color, and the menu width. Don't forget to change YOUR LINK HERE to your desired link and WORD to your own item. Goodluck.

How to customize your follow button

There are so many types of readers, those who reads without following the blog, those who are interested in this one blog and instead of following they just typed the blog link instead, those who are looking for blogs to follow, some follow after saw some interesting content and want some engagement with that particular blog and many more. Some of us need to make our follow button fancy and very visible so that readers recognize it, and give us a follow. 

This post is a master post of how to customize your own blogs follow button. Instead of using Google Followers Widget, we can use our follow direct link and turn it into a follow button made of an image, or maybe a button using some CSS tricks. 

Follow Button using Text

You can have people to follow you using linked text. Paste this codes anywhere you wanted it to be. Change YOUR BLOG ID to your blog ID. Check out how to get your blog ID here

<a href="http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=YOUR BLOG ID">FOLLOW ME</a>

Follow Button using Image

click this button to follow me :-)

To have this button on your blog's sidebar. copy this codes and paste it in HTML/Gadget. Make sure to changeYOUR BLOG ID to your own blog ID, also change YOUR IMAGE URL here to your own image url.

<a href="http://www.blogger.com/follow-blog.g?blogID=YOUR BLOG ID"><img border="0" src="YOUR IMAGE URL" width="200" /></a>

There are many other versions of follow button, stay tune for my next posts :)


How to find your Blog ID


If you are currently looking for your blog's ID, you are probably on your way in designing your blog template, or maybe trying out a follow button tutorial out there. Once you knew how to find you blog ID, you don't have to read this entry again because your blog ID is located just around you, it's just that you never realize it all these while.

Where is it?

It was there, when you are updating your blog, or designing your blog. It was always there. And is still there. 

My first ever post in this blog.

This is a real first post of my blog, a.k.a my blog anniversary date. The content of this entry was edited, and I am editing it again now (1st December 2016). I don't really remember what I wrote before but probably something like "Hi! This is my new blog"....? hahaha

I am so glad that my humble blog is gaining readers and the number of readers is increasing each time. Thank you so much for the support. My only wish is I hope that everyone get a good impression of me, and sorry if I did anything wrong before (as if anyone would read this hahaha). I am also sorry for not replying to each of your comment before because there are too many of them. While I was inactive due to SPM, I barely replied and even update my blog, I am really sorry for that.

Thank you so much for supporting and reading my blog. I love each of you so much :)