
How to disable right click on your blog


Assalamualaikum and hi. This tutorial was requested. This tutorial is on how to not let people right click on your blog. This action will prevent copycat from opening your page source. Talking about page source...why don't we just let them be because actually there are many other ways to open page source even if you disable the right click.

However, if you still intended to disable right click, follow the following steps. Oh!  I want to tell you that both Classic Template and Blogger Template Designer can use this method.

1. For Classic template, go to Home > Template > Edit Template HTML
1. For Template Designer, go to Home > Template
2. Search for <body> in your HTML context box
3. Now, replace the codes you have found earlier to this:
<body oncontextmenu='return false;'/>
4. Save and try to right click on your blog! :)